Current Events

Keynote Speeches

Jo Anne Kellert is a dynamic, inspiring and engaging speaker. Her presentations leave audiences with the context, the tools and the knowledge necessary to act with courage and conviction.

Jo Anne engages participants in co-creating material designed to move her audiences beyond the pursuit of incremental improvement on to the consistent achievement of extraordinary results. Kellert creates lasting change with audiences by connecting and integrating their wisdom, their current demands and challenges with the practical application of her material. Kellert leaves audience members with new insights and the impetus for action as they leave to face their current and future endeavors.

Kellert tailors her speeches for the target audience—whether a group of executive level leaders, an association or an entire organization, Kellert's presentations to audiences from 10 to 500 never fails to motivate and inspire.


Keynote: Dreaming Reality - The Seven Phases of Creating

Dreaming Reality - The Seven Phases of Creating is the ideal keynote speech for anyone committed to manifesting their dreams into a new, robust reality that exceeds current expectations. In this speech, Jo Anne Kellert will highlight the seven phases of creating. Audience members will come to understand the seven phases of creating as well as learn the skills necessary to move the seven phases into implementation. This speech will unlock the key to achieving extraordinary results on a consistent basis. The seven phases of creating are concrete and practical, easily understood and recognized. The power they hold is in the way they are presented. Kellert insures audience members will be able to see and access the actions they need to move forward, how they can get there, and where they need to be going. No matter what challenges you, your organization, association or group are presently confronting, Dreaming Reality - The Seven Phases of Creating will move you to a unprecedented advances as a leader and manager.

Cost: Please contact us for a consultation, price quote and time commitment assessment designed to meet your organizations specific needs.


Keynote: Dreaming Reality: Learning to Live Effectively on the Creative Edge

This is the key to being successful in today's fast paced competitive market. In the evolution of what it means to be human a new level of consciousness and intelligence has emerged that calls for people in the business world to be innovative and highly creative in how they bring new ideas into reality. This speech addresses how to tap into your ability to dream bigger than you now think possible and what it takes to live in a constant state of creativity without stress. It also discusses the power in bringing the mythical along with the practical into the business world.

Cost: Please contact us for a consultation, price quote and time commitment assessment designed to meet your organizations specific needs.